My future job

 Hi mates, today I would like to write about what my future job I´d like to be.

Since I was a kid, I´ve always loved nature and animals. I used to live in a place where I could enjoy a lot of this things, like the beach, some really big forests and rivers, and a little bit far from this, it was even possible to reach a lagoon. Now that I´m studying this career (Natural Renewable Resources) I´m capable to see beyond from what I used to  know from these places and what they mean to people and nature, I also understand far more than before about some plants and species from this country, and I love to fill my mind with knowledge like this, because one day I want to be someone who can stand for nature and people using the best arguments, wich are going to be based on everything I learned untill now and what´ll come next. I know that this is something I won´t be able to do alone, so I also wanna find good workmates who I can count on. 

Last but not least, I would also like to have the oportunity to travel around the world to help with that knowledge, because I really want to be helpfull to the world and its natural wonders, and while doing this, enjoy everything about it.


  1. Hi! I think your dream job is something very noble! I hope you can achieve your dreams someday


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