
Changes to my study programme.

Hello everyone, today I would like to talk about my study programme and what changes I would like to make to it. Since I started university during the pandemic, I´ve felt very comfortable with the flexibility of my career program, I can take a break if I need it, I can delay some of the subjects without problems thanks to the context, even when it´s not the objetive. But being able to do some sort of a game with my program makes me feel quite relaxed in most of the aspects, but still, I can get stressed depending on the academic charge in a subject if it doesn´t reflect the amount of credits that the programme says.  So I guess the only thing I would do about it is take an update on the credits of every subject of the career, so we can take them conscious of their academic charge. About the virtual classes, I just hope the situation ends soon, but if not, I think there is a lot of tools that the university could use in order to improve the classes quality, like record the labs class wi

My future job

 Hi mates, today I would like to write about what my future job I´d like to be. Since I was a kid, I´ve always loved nature and animals. I used to live in a place where I could enjoy a lot of this things, like the beach, some really big forests and rivers, and a little bit far from this, it was even possible to reach a lagoon. Now that I´m studying this career (Natural Renewable Resources) I´m capable to see beyond from what I used to  know from these places and what they mean to people and nature, I also understand far more than before about some plants and species from this country, and I love to fill my mind with knowledge like this, because one day I want to be someone who can stand for nature and people using the best arguments, wich are going to be based on everything I learned untill now and what´ll come next. I know that this is something I won´t be able to do alone, so I also wanna find good workmates who I can count on.  Last but not least, I would also like to have the oport


 Hello everyone, today i would like to talk to you about my hobbies.  In a normal context, i mean before the pandemic, i used to go run around constantly, but when COVID arrived i couldn´t do it anymore. Now that things are getting better, maybe i´ll start with that again, but i don´t have the same time as before, so now i do excercise at home. Is not easy, but it helps with the daily stress.  Another thing i do a lot is watching netflix series and some animes too, i really have a nice time with those, some are not that fun to watch, but at least you gave them a chance. Last but not least, i do play videogames a lot, i think that´s my main hobbie, some games really make it to the player, i love those that have cinematic history and are part of the adventure genre, specially the open world ones, because you get able to explore everything around. I guess all my hobbies stay the same except doing excercise, but i´m fine with that.

My best holidays.

Hi everyone, I was thinking about all the holidays I´ve been through to decide wich one was my favourite. This was a very hard choice because I have so many good vacation memories, but I thought about a specific one that made me feel very happy and loved.  This holidays takes place 10 years ago, when I was 10 years old, and all my family were still close to each other, so we used to celebrate every important event together, then that christmas and new year we were all there, and I felt very happy, because some of them didn´t lived in there anymore but still managed to be there those days. It may sound boring for some of you because this is not about going to other places of the country or even out of it, but it´s a great and important holiday memory for me. We also used to go to the beach those days so we had a very nice time, but things are just different now.

A country i would like to visit

  A country that i would love to visit is Finland. This place has everything i could ever like, cold weather, beautiful landscapes, and above all of that, it has one of the best views to the northern lights, better known as the Aurora Borealis. This light show is something i have dreamed to see since long ago, and i don´t know why exactly do i feel this way, but i´m pretty sure this is a trip i would do alone, it means something personal, pure, and important to me. Besides my crazy love for these lights, i wouldn´t complain about staying a couple of nights in one of those cute igloos from the Hotel and Igloo Village Kakslauttanen. Last but not least, i´m pretty sure that i would like to live there, i know there would be a lot of challenges like learning the language, meeting new people, adapting to their policies and cultures, but i like this place so much that i think i would enjoy the whole process.